Friday, May 6, 2022

Back To Lucy Park Jungle Dodging Snakes With New Computer

It was back to Lucy Park I ventured today, after a couple days of windy drippiness. The Lucy Park backwoods zone has become a bit overgrown, thus making it easy for snakes to lie in wait. That and it is a bit muddy due to that recent drippage.

On Sunday we are predicted to go over the 100 degree mark, to 103. If I remember right we did not hit 100, ever, in 2021.

I am happy to be back at full computer strength. Using a Chromebook worked fine for some things, but not so fine for something like getting photos off a phone.

This new computer has 20 gigabytes of RAM. I did not know til getting this that laptops were available with that much random access memory. And it has a solid state harddrive, so no moving parts, nothing spinning, no fan.

And Windows 11 does not seem all that different from Windows 10.

Today is the first day in a long time that it is not windy. So, methinks I shall go on a bike ride this afternoon for the first time in a long time.

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