Sunday, May 1, 2022

Computer Vexations With Return To Lucy Park


Yesterday the computer I use to do the blogging thing died an untimely death. Sudden, with little warning. I was able to bring it back to life a couple times, long enough to order a new computer, which arrives on Wednesday.

I used to enjoy getting a new computer, but after more than three decades of dealing with the vexing beasts, the novelty has worn off. Three computers ago I built one myself, from parts bought at Fry's Electronics, with Gar the Texan showing me how to put the components together. 

This morning I figured out how to do the blogging thing on my tablet, but then I remembered there was a Chromebook in my abode, and so that it was I am typing on right now. 

I took a break from my travails and returned to Lucy Park this morning, to walk the backwoods zone. Most of yesterday's extreme sport mud mess was cleaned up, but there was still some wet residue.

More wet residue is currently scheduled to fall from the sky later today and tomorrow.

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