Saturday, April 30, 2022

Muddy Pipe Swinging Mayhem At Lucy Park Today

On my visit to Lucy Park a couple days ago I was perplexed by odd things I was seeing.  Big pipes, scaffoldings, piles of dirt.

On this final day of the 2022 version of April I knew something was happening as soon as I entered Lucy Park. I had never seen so many vehicles, parked in so many locations, at Lucy Park. Eventually I found a parking spot.

And soon after exiting my vehicle I began seeing groups of people running. A short while after seeing runners I saw a group come to the above pipe. It was elevated off the ground, so as to sway as the runners crawled through the pipe.

A short time later I saw what the piles of dirt were for. A large hose turned the dirt into mud, with people having to make their way through a series of muddy obstactles.

Yeah, that looked like a lot of fun.

 And then after getting covered in mud you got to go through the shower you see above,

There were multiple vendor stations, selling food and drink. Loud music added to the mayhem.

I prefer my Lucy Park visits to be more sedate.

I was in the mood for some quiet communing with nature after this morning being vexed by my computer going into rebel mode.

I think I am likely going to be getting a new computer, though it seems to be, knock on wood, working right now.

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