Thursday, May 12, 2022

Mini-Alligator But No Lucy Park Backwoods Snake Encounter

 It was back to Lucy Park I ventured this morning for my daily acquisition of endorphins via aerobic stimulation. 

I have avoided the Lucy Park backwoods zone of late due to recent rain making for mucky mud. That and it is in the backwoods one can find oneself having a snake encounter.

Today I figured if I stayed in the middle of the path through the woods that I would be able to see any snakes slithering out from their snakes in the grass location.

Well, I made the entire multi-mile distance without seeing anything slither. 

Other than a mini alligator, more commonly known as a lizard. Lizards do not alarm me in the way snakes do. I have had some large lizard encounters and have never felt in danger. 

I had had a reptile encounter of the turtle sort which felt dangerous. I was swimming in Lake Grapevine when suddenly a reptile head popped up in front of me. I instantly thought it to be a water moccasin, which caused me to swim to shore faster than I knew I was able to swim. From the safety of dry land I saw it was a turtle, not a snake, which was chasing me.

It is a slightly chilly day, today. Only 90 degrees, a few minutes before two in the afternoon...

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