Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Oodles Of Shady Lucy Park Rugrats

Drove to Lucy Park this morning for a little nature communing before the outer world became uncomfortably HOT.

Upon arrival at the Lucy Park log cabin parking lot I saw that multiple buses had delivered oodles of little rugrats to the park. It appeared to be some sort of shady picnic. The loud squealing chatter indicated the oodles of little rugrats were having themselves a mighty fine time.

I just realized I had no clue as to why I think rugrats means little kids. So, I Googled "Rugrats" to learn there was, or is, an American TV series called "Rugrats" in which little kids are the Rugrats.

I have long been thinking that this coming Summer I would find myself up northwest, in Washington, where I would get to have fun playing with some relative rugrats. But, I really do not think that is going to happen. 

Or it may happen. I have been known to change my mind, at times...

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