Friday, May 13, 2022

Meditating Minutes On The Sikes Lake Bayou Bridge

No, that is not the Wichita River rolling through Lucy Park you see here. What you see here is the scenic bayou at the west end of Sikes Lake. We are standing midway across the bridge which crosses the bayou.

I stood at this location in meditative contemplating mode for a minute or two.

It was barely 90 degrees when I drove to Sikes Lake to do some semi-warm nature communing. Multiple others were also enjoying the pleasantly temperatured outer world.

One of the fellow nature communers was a skinny jogger, well, actually, a skinny runner. Running super fast whilst making it look effortless. I was jealous. Many decades ago I went through a jogging phase, but I have never been able to run fast for any length of time longer than a minute.

If only I could manage to lose about 50 pounds maybe I could manage to run fast. I suspect I would still be more of a plodder than a runner...

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