Thursday, March 10, 2022

Sikes Lake Geese Pouting Over Friday's Snow Forecast

It was to Sikes Lake I went today for my daily morning constitutional. I was not over or under dressed for today's temperature, unlike my other recent walking outings. Today was a t-shirt and shorts type day.

If the weather forecasters are correct tomorrow will be a don't bother going outside type day, with the arrival of yet one more Arctic Blast, along with possible snow.

Above, that is the Sikes Lake dam's spillway you are looking at, currently not spilling any water.

The Sikes Lake dam is located at the southeast end of the lake.

And now, in the above location, we are at the southwest end of the lake, about to cross a bridge over the creek which delivers water to Sikes Lake. I do not know if the name of the creek is Sikes Creek.

The Sikes Lake geese were acting odd today. Multiple geese clusters in multiple locations. With some clusters clustering dozens of geese, some clustering less than a dozen. And solo geese, likely ostracized for some reason, like the one you see above.

The geese were doing a lot of honking today. Usually they are quiet. Maybe the geese got the weather forecast and are not happy that they get snowed on again, what with Spring arriving in about ten days that just does not seem right...

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