Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Shadow Of The Lucy Park Thin Man Sees Imaginary Snake Before Snow Arrives On Friday

A couple days ago I had myself a too cool walk in Lucy Park. I mentioned this in a blog post titled Cold First March Monday In Lucy Park With No Snakes.

In that aforementioned blog post I mentioned a snake encounter I had had in Lucy Park last summer. 

After reading about that snake encounter, Linda Lou, who shares with me an aversion to snakes, called and asked how big this snake was, which I had said was the biggest I has been since being in Texas.

I told Linda Lou it was real big, boa constrictor big. Thick and long. Of course my memory of this snake encounter could have caused the size to be slightly hyperbolized. 

On that Lucy Park walk two days ago I was underdressed and got way too cold. Today, two days later, I was overdressed and removed two outer layers upon arrival at Lucy Park, and still over heated due to wearing sweat pants instead of shorts.

So, today I was walking at a fast pace in the backwoods zone of Lucy Park, and suddenly saw what I thought to be, at first glance, a giant snake slithering between the trees. 

You can see that imaginary 'snake' in the above photo documentation.

 Above you are looking at the Shadow of the Lucy Park Thin Man after he was startled by what he thought was a big snake. 

You can sort of see via the photo of the Thin Man that he was overdressed for a warm temperature climate. The top half was fine, it was those sweatpants which pushed it into being overdressed. That and the goofy hat.

Look what is in our forecast for two days hence, also known as Friday.

Snow? In March? In Texas? I thought we were done with this nonsense til the next freezing time of the year.

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