Tuesday, March 8, 2022

I Remember Today's Google Memory Of David, Theo & Ruby In Arizona

For the first time since Google has been emailing me supposed memories from a specific day, today's memory I actually totally remember. Though the date is slightly off, as in these memories happened on March 12, not March 8.

On that day, way back on March 12 of 2019, I drove Miss Daisy to a Dude Ranch in west Chandler, Arizona, where we watched my nephews David and Theo, and niece Ruby, go on a horse ride out into the desert.

After the horse ride we went to a nearby by McDonald's, and then headed north to two parks in Mesa. Those being Riverview Park and Pioneer Park.

At the time I blogged about both these things in two separate bloggings.

Riding Horses With Miss Daisy, David, Theo & Ruby


David, Theo & Ruby In Mesa's Riverview & Pioneer Parks

That was one fun day in Arizona. Mesa has two of the most impressive city parks I have ever seen. 

If I remember right, after we had had enough fun at Pioneer Park, the caravan of cars heading to Scottsdale to Fiesta Burrito.

The day before the horse riding, and Mesa park playing, was another fun day. A pool party at sister Jackie's, which turned out to be the last time all my mom's children (except for the black sheep) were together at the same time.

That day produced one of my all time favorite photos. Ruby leading a procession down the street, to a park, with me pushing Miss Daisy in her transport chair.

That day was also remarkable due to brother Jake and I being able to talk the kids into getting into the pool, which sister Jackie thought was too cool to get wet in. Eventually a swimming suit was found for me so I could get wet too.

This was blogged about in Cool Arizona Pool With Theo Driving Ruby On Handlebars.

Did not know, at the time, that this was to be the next to last time flying to Arizona to see mom. That flight turned into a delayed deal which had me landing in Phoenix around midnight.

But that was nothing compared to the final time flying to Arizona a couple months later. That time I was onboard the little jet that takes you to DFW, Sitting on the tarmac for over an hour, til it was determined we could not take off due to storms in DFW. Planes were being diverted to the Wichita Falls airport. 

The flight was cancelled. I had to re-book a new flight, for the next day, and then get someone to take me back to my abode. The next day turned into a long ordeal. Getting out of Wichita Falls was easy. But, the flight out of DFW was delayed for over eight hours. I was so tired by the time I got to Phoenix.

Hard to believe this memory is three years old. Seems like yesterday...

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