Monday, March 7, 2022

Cold First March Monday In Lucy Park With No Snakes

On this first Monday of the 2022 version of March, it was back to Lucy Park I went for some much needed endorphin acquisition.

I am almost 100% certain those are not Texas wildflowers you see above. Wildflowers are not scheduled to appear til later in the month.

Those flowers are what I believe to be a bed of winter pansies is resting next to the Lucy Park Pagoda.

A couple days ago I had a long HOT walk and talk with Linda Lou at Lucy Park. The temperature on that day got into the mid 80s. I over heated that day, whilst walking and talking with Linda Lou.

Today I was way under dressed for walking outdoors at Lucy Park. The temperature was in the upper 30s. 

Most of the fast walking today was in the Lucy Park backwoods zone. By the end of the month, with Spring springing forth leaves, grass and underbrush, the area you see above will not be so accessible. It will look like a jungle. 

A jungle with snakes. The biggest snake I have seen since I have been in Texas was seen on the unpaved trail which winds through the Lucy Park backwoods zone.

The Wichita River, as it looks in the undeveloped backwoods zone of Lucy Park.

The river is clear enough at the current time that one can see the river bottom. I watched water flow by for a couple minutes, but saw no fish. I have seen people fishing at this location. I do not know if any fish ever get caught.

Yesterday I turned on the air conditioning for the first time this year. Today the heat pump is back in making heat mode.

I do not know when the next natural heat wave is scheduled to arrive...

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