Saturday, March 12, 2022

Violating Facebook Community Standards With Heartless Heartlessness

Yesterday Facebook sent me a notification notifying me that a comment I had made had violated Facebook Community Standards, and thus no one can see my comment.

Facebook, at that point in time, did not tell me to which comment they were referring, but that I could appeal the decision to the Facebook Oversight Board.

Since I had zero memory of making any sort of what could possibly be construed as a violation of any Community's Standards, I requested a review of the Oversight Boards decisioon.

I then got another message, with this one telling me that due to the large volume of comments in need of review, and with Facebook being understaffed due to COVID, there may be a long delay in the review process.

So, imagine my surprise when I woke up the computer this morning to find that the Facebook Oversight Board's review had been completed, and that they had determined the comment doesn't follow their Community Standards. Only now the message actually included the controversial comment.

Below is a screencap of the message from Facebook which included the controversial comment...

Yes, that is the comment that has caused all this trouble. Me telling Mrs. McNutt that it was so shocking to learn she was so heartless and cruel with her heartlessness.

The comment was one of 21 comments made regarding Mrs. McNutt's posting of a TikTok video, which you see screen capped at the top. A guy throws something at a garbage bin, which then launches right back at the innocent victim watching this. It was startling. I opined to Mrs. McNutt that this was horribly irresponsible to post something like this, due to the fact that those of us who are weak of heart, or high strung, might have a heart attack or stroke from such a thing.

One would think Facebook would worry more about the posting of such a video, than an innocent victim of the video saying it was so shocking to learn Mrs. McNutt could be so heartless and cruel with her heartlessness.

Below are most of the 21 comments, ending with the one which violated Facebook's goofy Community Standards...

Carol Bjorgan Dahl
Jumped out of my skin! 😳

Jan McNutt
Carol Bjorgan Dahl sorry about that! DJ has already told me that he didn't appreciate it 🙂

Carol Bjorgan Dahl
Jan McNutt at least I know my ticker works! I am sure you did hear from him. 

Durango Jones
Carol Bjorgan Dahl It is grossly irresponsible that Facebook allows the posting of this type video terrorism which those lacking common sense and basic human decency post, endangering elderly citizens, such as myself, with a weak heart and nervous disposition. Such as this could easily trigger a massive coronary. I really do question the quality of Miss McNutt's conscience...

Jan McNutt
Durango Jones Oops! Didn’t realize how fragile you are!!! All your walking and biking makes it easy to forget how aged you really are!!

Durango Jones
Jan McNutt My fragile condition is what dictates my exercise regimen in an attempt to control my high blood pressure, clogged arteries and excessive adipose tissue. The fact that one can not know the health issues of everyone is why it was/is so grossly wrong that you post terrorist videos. Who knows, you may have already killed someone with your wanton irresponsibility...

Jan McNutt
Had to look up adipose! Tissue for the storage of fat! You are so funny!!!

Durango Jones
Jan McNutt So troubling that you find my health woes to be so funny...

Durango Jones
Jan McNutt I really think I am beginning to understand how it is you have managed to be married and divorced so many times....

Jan McNutt
Durango Jones You stinker!!! One time after almost 40 years!

Durango Jones
Jan McNutt I did not say you have a LIz Taylor type marriage record, all I said was I can understand how it is that you've managed to get married and divorced so many times. Did I really need to add that the number of times is one????

Jan McNutt
Durango Jones Ummm, let me think….yes you do!

Carol Bjorgan Dahl
Durango Jones and Jan McNutt I could surely never keep up with the come backs you two have for each other.

Jan McNutt
Carol Bjorgan Dahl you’re just not as sarcastic and snarky as us!!!

Durango Jones
Jan McNutt So shocking to learn you are so heartless and cruel with your heartlessness...

I think I now understand why people get perplexed when they find themselves in Facebook Jail, banned from posting for 30 days, due to something Facebook deems offensive.

Isn't it about time for Facebook to suffer the same fate MySpace suffered?

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