Monday, February 28, 2022

Warm Lucy Park Walk Over Water With Blackened Turkey Pot Pie Casserole

Warmth has returned to the outer world at my North Texas location.

Along with a mostly blue sky.

So, on this final day of the 2022 version of February, it was back to Lucy Park I went today, with minimalist outerwear of t-shirt and shorts, with last week's deep freeze a fading bad memory.

Being in Lucy Park would seem to indicate that that which you are looking at above is the crystal-clear water of the fast moving Wichita River, as viewed from the middle of the Lucy Park suspension bridge.

Totally change of subject.

I made turkey pot pie casserole this morning, before driving to Lucy Park. I thought I turned the oven off at the end of the pie's baking time. A half hour after that I returned to the kitchen to discover I had not turned the oven off, but instead had turned the temperature knob to high broil.

A half hour at high broil rendered the turkey pot pie casserole into being Cajun blackened turkey pot pie casserole. 

I was able to easily remove the black top, and that which had been under the broiled black top remained totally tasty.

I really need to work at being more detail oriented...

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