Sunday, February 27, 2022

Us Dickie's Loving Trendsetters With Our Unique Fort Worth Fashion Style


That which you see above was the top story in this Sunday's, February 27 online edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

This is the goofiest delusional Star-Telegram headline since way back near the start of this century, when another Sunday edition of the Star-Telegram touted "TRINITY UPTOWN TO TURN FORT WORTH INTO VANCOUVER OF THE SOUTH",

20 years later Fort Worth is no closer to being the Vancouver of the South, than it was way back then.

Trinity Uptown morphed into being the Trinity River Central City Uptown Panther Island District Vision, better known as America's Biggest, Dumbest Boondoggle.

Does Fort Worth have a fashion style is the question the Star-Telegram is asking today.

Well, first off, I must say it is this type delusional nonsense which I have long made fun of due to it being so absurd.

Fort Worth being the Vancouver of the South with a unique fashion style.

According to the Star-Telegram the Fort Worth fashion style somehow revolves around workwear from Dickie's. 

Dickie's is a clothes making company located in Fort Worth. Dickie's bought the naming rights to Fort Worth's multi-purpose facility, now known as Dickie's Arena.

Ironically, I have a Dickie's jacket just like the one the guy in the above photo is modeling. I had no clue I was being Fort Worth fashionable when wearing this jacket, which I did as recently as yesterday, whilst walking in the cold at Lucy Park in Wichita Falls.

Does this mean Wichita Falls has a unique fashion style too?

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