Tuesday, March 1, 2022

First March Day 75 Degree Shadow Of The Lucy Park Thin Man

That would be my left foot you see here, stepping on my shadow whilst once again going on a long endorphin inducing walk on the trails of Lucy Park.

Unlike a week ago when an Arctic Blast blew into town with a deep freeze, and snow, on this first day of the 2022 version of March, a tropical breeze has blown in.

That tropical breeze warmed up the outer world into the 70-degree zone today by the time I reached Lucy Park.

Unlike the multiple layers required to be warm outdoors a week ago, today I was able to keep cool in a t-shirt and purse pants, also known as cargo shorts.

I saw a few remnants of snow today, resisting melting. I suspect all evidence of snow will be gone by tomorrow.

And I hope last week's slippery nonsense is the end of such til the next winter shows up.

Walking past the Lucy Park side of the suspension bridge across the Wichita River I noticed a sign I had not made note of before.


I would think 20 persons would totally overload this flimsy bridge. I'd be nervous sharing it with just five full figure Texans.

My photo documentation does not do justice to how big and weird looking the above tree is. There are multiple examples of this in Lucy Park. Iam looking forward to paying attention, this Spring, to the various trees sprouting leaves.

Unlike yesterday, I did not turn today's lunch black. I made turkey tikki masala without incident. 

When I got back from Lucy Park, before lunch, I lubricated my bike and pumped up the tires. The tires did not need much pumping.

I do not think I have gone on a bike ride yet this year. I hope to rectify that situation later this afternoon...

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