Friday, February 11, 2022

Not Too Painful Walk Around Sikes Lake With No Goose Attacks

Tomorrow it will be a week since I had myself a bruising crash to the icy snow covered ground on the MSU campus. 

Yesterday it was painful walking the backwoods zone of Lucy Park.

I was going to take a break from doing anything strenuous whilst vertical, but by mid-morning I was feeling cooped up and in need of fresh air.

So, it was to Sikes Lake I drove to take a leisurely walk around the lake. It was less painful than yesterday's walk.

What you are looking at above is part of the dam which backs up incoming creek water, causing Sikes Lake to be a lake. As you can see, a fence keeps walkers from falling into the dam spillway abyss. 

The geese were well behaved today. None chased me, unlike the previous Sikes Lake visit.

The geese appeared to be enjoying the warmth. There were no goose flotillas in the lake.

All the geese were in sitting mode, no waddling, no honking, just sitting, like the birds in Hitchcock's The Birds, acting all peaceful before going into attack mode...

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