Thursday, February 10, 2022

Bruising Lucy Park Walk With Tyrannosaurus Rex

It was back to Lucy Park I took my aching self this morning for a semi-fast waddle through the Lucy Park backwoods.

It was way back last Saturday I slipped and fell on hard ice. I saw no bruising in the aching area til this morning.

I would take a photo of the bruise for photo documentation purposes, except the bruise is in an area where my shy modesty prohibits me from sharing it.

It is on the left side of my upper hip zone where the bruise is located. But it is the opposite side, the side that did not hit the ground, that hurts bad whilst walking. 

I've always known falling is hard on the elderly. Now I have first hand experience confirming that fact.

By the time I got back to where I started I sat on a bench for a moment or two, looking at the Lucy Park dinosaur bones from a side I had not looked at before.

It was from this view, above, I realized, for the first time, that this is a partially exposed dinosaur fossil. 

Tail, midsection and head.

Looks like a Tyrannosaurus Rex to me.

I think I will take a break from walking, hiking, biking and roller blading til the bruising abates...

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