Saturday, February 12, 2022

No Cold Walking Past Local Crime Scene Tape

Too cold to go on a pleasant outdoor walk today. So, I went to ALDI and Walmart instead. Prior to leaving my abode, looking out the kitchen window, I saw police car lights flashing a short distance south, at the intersection of Southwest and Taft Boulevards.

I figured there had been a wreck, hence the multiple police cars.

An hour or two later I returned to my abode via the Southwest Boulevard route. That stops me at a stoplight for the turn left onto Taft. 

When I reached that location I was surprised to still see multiple police vehicles. And yellow crime scene tape strewn all around the perimeter of the property.

I suspect it will be tomorrow morning via reading the local newspaper online that I will learn what happened. A robbery gone bad? A shooting? Something else?

Oh, and it is my little sister's birthday today.

Happy Birthday, Jackie!

UPDATE: After hitting the publish post button I went to the Wichita Falls Times New Record. Turns out I did not have to wait til Sunday morning to find out what happened...

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