Monday, February 14, 2022

Warm Walking Lucy Park With No Knead Bread

That is the Side Shadow of the Lucy Park Thin Man you are seeing here.

The temperature returned to being pleasant on this 2022 version of Valentine's Day, and so it was to Lucy Park I drove to have a commune with nature and to acquire some endorphins via aerobic stimulation.

The shadow does not accurately reflect the fact that it was warm enough to be in shorts and a t-shirt.

Last week Linda Lou sent me a link to a YouTube video instructing how to make no knead bread.

Last night, before the Super Bowl, I mixed up a bowl of no knead bread and let it fester overnight.

This morning I baked the load of no knead bread and tested it for lunch today.

It was whole wheat and good. Really good. And easy to make. However, I have not often made anything with flour, or requiring sprinkling flour on a flat surface for dough rolling purposes.

So, I learned flour can turn into a bit of a white dust storm. I'll likely make no knead bread again. But, not today, and probably not tomorrow.

Continuing on from no knead bread to walking around Lucy Parik.

 With that clear blue sky and the brown grass, the above Lucy Park view looks warm.

And so it was...

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