Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Wichita Bluffs Nature Area Naturally Communing With Nature

Today, with the temperature well above freezing, and little wind blowing, I took myself to the Wichita Bluffs Nature Area to do some nature communing via fast hiking on semi-steep bluffs.

It has been awhile since I have hiked the bluffs, what with Lucy Park becoming my preferred walking venue. The Wichita Bluffs Nature Area is the first location in Wichita Falls where I found a Hoodoo Cairn rock formation had formed.

Since then I have seen Hoodoo Cairns appear at other locations. Such as Sikes Lake.

And today I found Hoohoo Cairns at several locations as I hiked the Circle Trail through the Wichita Bluffs Nature Area.

The most unusual being the pair of Hoodoo Cairns you see above, with the one on the left looking like a balancing rock one might find in a Utah national park.

Yesterday I took photos with my digital camera for the first time in a long time. I'd taken to only using my phone to take photos. I said, if I remembered, that today I would take photos from the same location using both devices, to see if one or the other took better pictures.

Below are the results...

The photo on the left is from the Canon digital camera. On the right was taken with the phone.

The first composite picture was taken standing at the highest point on the Wichita Bluffs, looking east, across the Wichita River, at the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Wichita Falls.

The digital camera's colors are more saturated, whilst the phone's color of the sky looks more realistically blue. 

In the next composite the cameras were aimed at one of those aforementioned Hoodoo Cairns.

Again, the digital camera's colors look more saturated, with the phone camera, on the right, again making the sky look more accurately the color it actually was.

So, in conclusion, I think I have concluded that it doesn't really matter. Both take perfectly okay photos. I think I will stick with the phone. It is less bulky and is vastly more multi-purposeful...

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