Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Cheeks Hurt From Too Much Lucy Park Smiling

It was back to Lucy Park, on this second Wednesday of the new year, for a strong dose of endorphin happiness causing a bout of smiling like a loony gigglemugger, as you can clearly see photo documented.

In the photo I am swaying and smiling on the suspension bridge on which one can exit Lucy Park by crossing over the Wichita River.

The river water was clear enough today that I could see the river bottom.

But, I saw no fish. Or Water Moccasins.

There must be fish in this river, because I have seen fishermen fishing for fish at this location.
I was once again over dressed for today's mega-walk. Little wind was blowing and the temperature was in the high 50s. So, I soon lost the hooded sweatshirt you see overheating me above.

A couple months ago I mentioned to someone, was it nephew Jason? I don't remember. Anyway, I mentioned that I did not think I would have the stamina to endure a day at Disneyland or four days in Las Vegas, two locations where one finds oneself doing an exhausting amount of walking.

But now, after ramping up the walking for a couple months, I think I am now in training for going to Disneyland, or a long weekend in Vegas. Give it a couple more months of this heavy duty hiking and Disneyland and Vegas will be a breeze.

I do not know how well I would handle the buffets of Vegas. I am out of training for buffets. I can not remember when last I over ate at a buffet...

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