Monday, January 10, 2022

Beautiful Second Monday Of The New Year At Lucy Park

Back to Lucy Park today to fast walk the multi-mile big loop.

With the air about 10 degrees above freezing, with almost no wind blowing, this made for a pleasant bout of endorphin acquisition.

From the above photo documentation it would appear I was alone in Lucy Park today. That appearance is deceiving.

Today I took photos with the digital camera I took photos with before switching to using the phone camera. I wanted to see if the digital camera took better pictures. Near as I can tell, I can tell little difference.

However, the digital camera did take an accurate photo of this bucolic view of the Wichita River. I do not know if the phone would do as well.

Tomorrow I shall try to remember to take photos of the same location with both photo taking devices and settle this issue once and for all...

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