Sunday, January 16, 2022

Warm Enough Sunday For Lucy Park With No Snakes

Yesterday, the third Saturday of the new year of 2022, the outer world was barely above freezing, with wind gusts as fast as 50mph, during the time frame when I do my regularly scheduled outdoor activity.

And so I opted to stay indoors yesterday, til I could take being housebound not longer, so in the early evening I braved the blustery wind to go to Walmart.

Today, the third Sunday of the new year of 2022 the air was heated to above freezing, with nary a breeze of wind blowing, so I layered on some outerwear to make my way to Lucy Park to do some fast walking.

As you can see via the photo of my happy face I was quite pleased to be outside under the bright blue sky. After about a mile of fast walking I was getting too warm, and so the hood came off, the jacket was unzipped and the gloves were stuck in a pocket.

Today I walked the undeveloped back 40 of Lucy Park. Come Spring all those trees turn green, as does the ground, turning the view you see below into more of a lush jungle than its current state.

This area of Lucy Park is where I saw the biggest snake I have seen since being in Wichita Falls. It was at least five feet long. I don't know where the snakes go when the air turns frigid. I do know the cold-blooded monsters can not resume slithering until the temperature gets much warmer.

A fellow Washingtonian who moved to Oklahoma about the same time I moved to Texas learned first hand where some snakes go when it gets cold outside. Their first winter in Oklahoma they were shocked to find they had snakes living in their attic. This was learned when they saw a large snake slithering up a drainpipe to enter a hole into the attic.

Some green remains in some of the trees in Lucy Park. I thought this tall bald tree paired with a tree still green was interestingly unique.

The weather tomorrow should be as conducive as today's for outdoor activity. I need to amp up my aerobic activity in order to lose 20 pounds by the time I run the Amazing Race and fly up to Washington for a reunion...

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