Friday, January 14, 2022

Friday Balmy Nature Communing In Lucy Park Giving Waterfall Directions

Even though my cheeks are still hurting from doing too much smiling, I found the energy to make my way to Lucy Park on this second Friday of the new 2022 year.

The Google Fit app on my phone calculated I only walked 3.45 miles today. In what Google Fit's time keeping calls Move Minutes, I moved for 57 minutes. I think that works out to being almost 3.45 miles per hour.

That is the beautiful, majestic Wichita River behind me. This location is a couple miles from the location where the actual falls once existed which gave Wichita Falls its name. The artificial Wichita Falls, which was built because locals tired of visitors asking where Wichita Falls was located, is located about a half mile from where I am at the above location.

Today I was asked if I could point out how to get to the falls. This has happened before, more than once.

I can see where locals tired of having to explain there was no waterfall in Wichita Falls, and so a fake waterfall was made.

There is plenty of signage in Lucy Park pointing the direction to the falls, but I guess it is easier to ask someone who looks like a local. And my friendly smiley countenance renders me harmlessly approachable.

The air was heated to somewhere in the 70s again, for today's nature communing. I managed to be dressed properly for the weather condition. Cargo shorts and a t-shirt. In January....

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