Monday, January 17, 2022

Back To Lucy Park For Peaceful Retreat From Certified Harpie

Yes, it was back to Lucy Park today for another pleasantly temperatured windless walk amongst the trees. Looking at this photo documentation one would think no one but me was in Lucy Park. That impression would be wrong. Lots of disc golfers today. And pecan pickers.

I took the paved trail you see above to once again walk through the isolated, undeveloped back 40 of Lucy Park.

I like the peaceful solitude, particularly after this morning's bout with a certified harpie.

There are some big trees in Lucy Park. They look so stark, naked, without their leaf covering.

 Above we have now reached the aforementioned Lucy Park back 40. This part of the park totally floods when the Wichita River decides to flow an excessive amount of water.

Changing the subject to something completely different. When I got back to my home zone and woke up my computer I saw Facebook was open, with a notification telling me a date has been set for next summer's class reunion. 

July 23, 2022.

I was hoping this might happen in August. I don't know if I'm going to make it up north in July...

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