Friday, January 21, 2022

Back To Lucy Park After 14 Degrees This Morning

The temperature got way down to 14 degrees above zero last night.

By the time I exited my abode to head to Lucy Park, an hour before noon, it was nearly 18 degrees warmer, hovering near the freeze point.

I did not go out in it yesterday. Too overcast, windy and cold. 

Today blue sky has returned, the air is barely moving, so there was only that freezing temperature to deal with. 

In a rare circumstance I layered on the right amount of layers today to stay warm. It was so pleasant my cheeks are back hurting again from too much smiling, which you see photo documented here, standing on the Lucy Park suspension bridge over the wild waters of the Wichita River.

Disc golfing must be fun. Even on an icy day like today there was disc golfing happening at Lucy Park.

The above is one of my favorite Lucy Park scenes. All the naked trees. Twisted into weird shapes.

Reminds me of when I do yoga...

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