Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sunday At Sikes Lake Not Boating, Canoeing Or Kayaking Without Approval

On this 4th Sunday of the new year of 2022, with the outer world heated in the 50s, and with little wind blowing, I drove to Sikes Lake this morning to commune with nature and the geese flocks.

I have never seen anyone boating, canoeing or kayaking on Sikes Lake.

Or swimming.

I assume the swimming ban must have something to do with the possible toxicity of the possibly polluted water. That and the lake is so shallow in some spots that swimming might not be doable.

But why no boating, canoeing or kayaking?

Have people asked for university approval of boating, canoeing or kayaking and been denied?

It would seem like turning Sikes Lake into more of a recreational asset would be a good thing for the university, and the town.

I have read previously that Sikes Lake needs to be dredged again. The last time Sikes Lake was dredged, that which was dredged, was hauled to Lake Wichita Park where the mud was turned into what some call Mount Wichita, but which is also known as Murphy's Hill.

Methinks it would be a real good thing to dredge Sikes Lake again, and make another mountain in Lake Wichita , creating a mini-mountaiin range. 

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