Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Linda Lou's Successful Shipment Of Cougar Gold Cheese

For over a month Linda Lou has been trying to send me three pounds of Cougar Gold Cheese.

Delivery was finally successful yesterday. Which you see photo documented above.

And the long wait was well worth it.

Best cheese ever.

As long as we can remember, Linda Lou and I have been extra sharp cheese aficionados. By the time we were 16, with cars and driver's licenses, we would drive north to the nearest Hickory Farms, in Bellingham, to shamelessly indulge in the Hickory Farms extra sharp cheese samples.

Cougar Gold is a product of Washington State University. WSU is known for its agricultural and research programs, producing well educated farmers, which may explain why Washington is the source of so much of the farm and orchard products, feeding America and the world.

I am almost 100% certain Cougar Gold Cheese is not so named due to being a product of one of those WSU research programs, somehow milking actual Cougars on some sort of Cougar farm.

The WSU mascot is a Cougar.

Of the feline cat sort...

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