Thursday, December 23, 2021

Walking With Dead Calm Placid Sikes Lake Roosting Seagulls

It was to Lake Placid, I mean, Lake Sikes, I drove today for a walk around the lake. A warm walk, with tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, also known as Christmas, way warmer.

In that view above you are looking north, across Sikes Lake, with the Midwestern State University campus on the horizon.

This morning began with a thick fog. When that fog burned off dead calm was left in its wake.

I imagine this morning's thick fog made the Sikes Lake flock of seagulls think they were back near the ocean. The Sikes Lake flock of seagulls were roosting on their regular roosting location, the Sikes Lake coffer dam.

I have never figured out the purpose of this coffer dam.

The Sikes Lake geese flocks were enjoying the balmy calm by floating on the lake. The birds must be confused, thinking Winter is done and Spring has arrived. 

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