Thursday, December 23, 2021

Video Of Me Singing About McNutty Bikini

Miss McNutty has been being extra nutty this morning, sending me videos purporting to be me singing a song, the words of which I can not make out.

That is a screen cap from the video of my supposedly singing.

For some reason McNutty thinks this bothers me, or embarrasses me, when it is widely known I am impervious to being embarrassed.

The reason McNutty is doing this is especially nutty.

For some reason, photos of McNutty in a bikini, or any sort of swimwear, embarrasses her due to a nutty belief that showing such is way too much skin exposure.

So, why put on a bikini then? Let alone put on the bikini and then politely pose for a photo in said bikini, whilst smiling.

Like I said, McNutty. And perplexing. Below is one of the McNutty bikini photos. Other than the granny glasses, do you see anything embarrassing here?

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