Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Gigglemugging Lucy Park Pagoda Before Chasing Santa On A Motorcycle

It was back to Lucy Park today to do some fast Wednesday walking on the day after Winter began.

Today was a t-shirt and shorts warm outdoor day.

Currently Christmas Eve is scheduled to be heated into the 80s, with record breaking highs. Same prediction for Christmas.

Which makes it zero probability there will be a White Christmas at my location.

I think I have experienced more White Christmases in Texas than all my years in Washington.

I seem to have lost my ability to take a proper selfie photo, with the necessary sober serious look. Instead, being overcome with the holiday spirit has me uncontrollably gigglemugging.

Scraping the sky behind me is the Lucy Park Pagoda. I have yet to get an explanation for this Pagoda. Next time I attend a service at Bob's Buddhist Temple of the Golden Dome I will try and ask my fellow Buddhists if any know the answer to this serious question.

With the underbrush foliage mostly gone, til Spring, today I saw I could get off the Circle Trail and walk the bank of the Wichita River. When I saw this was doable I thought it might lead to being able to take a photo of the Lucy Park Suspension Bridge showing its entire span of the river.

The result did not turn out as I'd hoped.

So, I turned the phone around and took my favorite type of selfie photo. That line you see across the river is the shadow of the suspension bridge. If you look real close you can see the suspension bridge above its shadow.

After the walking was done for the day, as I fired up the engine of my motorized transport I saw something speed by I had never seen before.

Santa on a motorcycle.

I soon was in pursuit, eventually catching up to Santa at the exit from Lucy Park intersection with the Seymour Highway, where a red light had stopped the man in red, allowing me to catch up.

Above you are looking through my somewhat dirty windshield at the stopped Santa, waiting for the light to turn green. As cars passed they honked and Santa waved at them.

 And then the light turned green and Santa took off like a rocket. I followed Santa, turning right on Brook Avenue, then lost him when I got stopped by a red light.

Seeing Santa on a motorbike is the type thing that has me in a gigglemugging tidings of joy mood. It won't last. By the time the new year arrives I should be back my usual sour dour self...

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