Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Holiday Selfie Spirit Of Joyful Tidings With Geezer Cemetery Tour & McNutty Elephant Cleavage

This morning I once again drove a senior citizen geezer to get some prescriptions filled.

The geezer calls ahead to make sure the prescriptions are ready for pickup, so I drop him off at the pharmacy entry door and then go park to wait for the geezer to return.

Today's wait went on for a half hour or more. Apparently, there was some sort of confusion with the prescription order.

Whilst sitting and waiting and bored I checked Facebook on the phone, and then when that turned boring I aimed the phone's camera at me to take a selfie photo of my sour dour mood. 

But, I am just so caught up with the holiday spirit and tidings of joy I had trouble mustering my usual level of dour sour selfie.

Eventually the senior citizen geezer and his walking cane showed up. In his feeble weak voice he asked if we could go on a walk somewhere. Where? I asked. Could we go to the cemetery so I could have a short visit with some of my long gone friends? asked the geezer.

And so I drove to Riverside Cemetery, adjacent to Lucy Park, which is where I took the below tree photo yesterday.

What brand of tree is this? On the west coast, well, maybe only on the Pacific Northwest part of the west coast, there is a tree called a Madrona.

Madrona trees have a thin skin like red bark which peels off. I have seen several of the above type tree in Lucy Park. Is is an Albino Madrona?

There are so many varieties of trees in Lucy Park. I think I have mentioned previously that I think it would be a good idea to have labeling signs stuck in the ground identifying the trees.

On a totally different, totally weird change of subject about something which happened this morning. The entity known as McNutty sent my phone a photo of McNutty with an elephant trunk. The text with the photo explained nothing, it just asked a weird McNutty question, as in "Do you think I am showing too much cleavage?"

How does one answer a question like that? Here's the photo in question. Feel feel to opine about the cleavage level if you feel so inclined...


  1. No comment. However, I am totally of the opinion on putting markers indicating the tree or bush or flower bushes genus. Everytime one visits a tree, they would file the info away in their brain. Next time they see it elsewhere, they would be able to recognize it. Totally support this.

  2. Yes, put genus identifiers by trees. Great idea.
