Saturday, December 18, 2021

McNutty Photo Harassment Drives Me Back To Chilly Lucy Park

This morning the entity who goes by the name McNutty was working hard at trying to annoy me.

Why this McNutty person indulges in such behavior is perplexing.

This morning's harassment included multiple doctored photos where McNutty sloppily sticks my face on another body. Sometimes human, sometimes not. 

Most of the humans upon which McNutty sticks my face have a big swollen beer belly. For some reason McNutty thinks it is funny to make fun of my beer belly when I clearly have no beer belly.

I don't drink beer, so how could I have a beer belly?

By late morning McNutty had branched out from still photos to animations, including the one you see above. In this video McNutty has me singing Pharrell Williams Happy song. That is a screen cap of the video, clicking the arrow does nothing but open a bigger version of the screen cap.

McNutty has been on a long gaslighting campaign of trying to convince me I always look mad, never smile, and have the overall affect of a serial killer. I guess McNutty has known a lot of serial killers, which I guess makes sense, considering her line of work.

So, after way too much gaslighting and verbal abuse I needed to restore my balance with a salubrious communing with nature.

Even though the temperature was barely 40, with a wind blowing, I just had to get away from the computer and the McNutty harassment.

It was to Lucy Park I returned.

That is the Lucy Park suspension bridge you are looking at here, void of any surrounding green foliage. Lucy Park is on the other side of the bridge. I am standing in the RV Park side of the bridge.

That is the Circle Trail you see above, looking south, a short distance from the suspension bridge entry into the park.

A couple days ago I installed a new app on my phone called Google Fit. This app tracks how long you walk, how far you walk, how many calories you burn walking, how many steps you took, and other things. I have no idea how this works or how accurate it is. The only thing I can test for accuracy is how long Google Fit says I walked. So far, it has gotten the walking time correct.

If I take my phone on a bike ride is tracks that. I assume detecting no one runs are walks as fast as the speed is indicating, so it must be a bike.

Speaking of phone apps. Is there one that lets you mute the phone for a specific amount of time? As in hit mute and indicate when you want to the phone to no longer be mute. 

It seems to happen way too frequently that I mute the phone, and then forget to unmute it. Such happened this morning. Around 10 this morning I saw my phone light up, but make no noise. I could see it was Linda Lou calling. I turned the sound back on and answered. 

After talking to Linda Lou I looked at the call list and saw that prior to Linda calling this morning, nephew Jason had called, as had that aforementioned McNutty woman. 

Then I went to text messaging and saw multiple text messages I did not hear come in.

Maybe I should just not mute the phone anymore. But, it is nice not to have the thing make unwanted noise...

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