Thursday, December 16, 2021

Merry Christmas With Perfect Penmanship From Ancient Auntie Arlene

In the mail today were a couple large packages and a couple Christmas cards, including the one above from my dear Aunt Arlene, who signs off her cards "With Love, Ancient Auntie Arlene."

I made the composite image of the Ancient Auntie Arlene Christmas card which you see above for illustrative purposes. The front part of the card is what you see on the left. On top of that is the inside of the card. And on top of that is an amusing postcard Aunt Arlene included showing "A Texan's Map of the United States."

Now the reason I felt compelled to photo document this Christmas card is the issue of cursive handwriting.

Auntie Arlene refers to herself as Ancient.

When she is only 92.

I am a few years younger than Auntie Arlene and I can not read my own handwriting. Even if I make an effort I still can not write in a reliably legible way.

Not only does Aunt Arlene write cursively with perfectly formed letters, the letters all form perfectly straight lines of words, with nary a word crossed out for correction purposes.

I know if I manage to reach the age of 92 I will not be able to write in the legible way my Aunt Arlene writes, because I am unable to do so now, years prior to reaching 92...

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