Sunday, December 19, 2021

Chilly Sunny Sunday Sikes Lake Walk With McNutty Yoga

The outer world at my planet location was chilled to 8 degrees below freezing last night.

An hour before noon, on this third Sunday of the 2021 version of December, I covered myself in a few layers of outerwear and ventured out in the cold to Sikes Lake for a walk with the geese. And a few ducks.

And a flock of seagulls.

I took a picture of the seagulls, but it turned out blurry. There were several dozens of the white birds roosting on the cement berm which crosses Sikes Lake for no reason apparent.

I do not know why seagulls would be flocking so far from any sea. But, they are seen frequently at this non saltwater location.

The temperature was 41 when I began the walk around the lake. I quickly found out I was overly layered in outerwear. Zero wind helped keep the chill level down.

About a month ago the entity who goes by the name McNutty claimed she had begun an intense yoga program. Yesterday McNutty proudly boasted she was now able to get into the Lotus position. I then said I would need photo documentation of this feat before I could believe it to be true.

That Lotus position photo documentation arrived this morning.

I don't have fancy yoga wear like McNutty has, so I can't photo document myself in the Lotus position.

I am sitting in the Lotus position right now, in my computer chair. The Lotus position is extremely salubrious...

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