Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Hot Walk Around Dead Calm Sikes Lake With Three Wise Men Homage To Chicken Butchering

Yesterday, the final day of November, the temperature at my location soared into the 80s zone, which made for a pleasant communing with nature at Lucy Park.

With the outer world returning to summer like heat I was tempted to turn on the A/C yesterday, but I didn't. The interior space only warmed to 79 degrees, which is only one degree warmer than I chill to with the A/C.

Today, the first day of the final month of 2021, the outer world is as warm as yesterday. And dead calm, zero wind blowing.

So, I opted to take a fast walk around wave-less mirror-like Sikes Lake. 

Soon after the fast walk began I came upon what looked to me to be some sort of abstract rock hoodoo homage to the Three Wise Men who are scheduled to show up later this month to bring goodies to Baby Jesus.

I tried to take a selfie with the Three Wise Men behind me, but that did not work, the result of which is what you see above. So, I turned around and was able to successfully photo document the rock hoodoo homage to the Three Wise Men.

About a quarter mile past the Three Wise Men I come to the view below. I like the look of this tree, all twisted and confused.

Earlier today I had an adventure with a chicken. The last time I cut up a whole chicken was way back in 2008, in Tacoma. I had been instructed to tutor my soon to be sister-in-law in the art of cutting up a chicken, two of which we had acquired at the Tacoma Thursday Market. That tutorial went well. 

This morning's chicken cut up did not go quite as well. Maybe my knife was not sharp enough. Maybe I'd forgotten how to find the joints where one does the slicing. Somehow the back piece ended up with a lot of breast. And one thigh went missing.

I think the result will be edible. It smells like it is edible. I shall find out in a few minutes...

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