Thursday, December 2, 2021

Senior Citizen Doctor Appointment Leads To Christmas Extravaganza Installation

Today, on the morning of the 2nd day of the 2021 version of December, I was in Good Samaritan mode, driving a senior citizen to a doctor's appointment. This time the appointment was in downtown Wichita Falls, in the Hamilton Building, a short distance from the Wichita Falls Public Library.

So, I dropped off the geezer and drove on to the library, the entry of which is what you see above. I think this was built in what is known as the Grecian style, hence the round columns.

I perused periodicals til my phone vibrated, indicating the senior citizen was in post doctor appointment mode.

I picked up the geezer in front of the Hamilton Building and decided to go home via Hamilton Drive, which is adjacent to Hamilton Park. 

I wanted to drive to this location to see if I could take some photos of what I think is the most over the top Christmas installation I have ever seen. I did not know if doing so would do justice to how massive this Christmas installation is.

Well, the answer is the results do not come anywhere near photo documenting the extent of this multi-acre display.

I should have tried to do a panorama view. I was taking the photos from my driver's window viewpoint.
I need to practice taking a panorama photo. 

At night is when the over the top-ness of this location really is undeniable. Maybe I will remember to drive by at night. This location is close to the MSU Fantasy of Lights, which I think I will try to walk through, taking video. Maybe I can do both in one nocturnal adventure.

There are maybe a dozen vehicles of various sorts being part of this extravaganza, including a Grinch Mobile.

It is only day two of December and I'm already totally overwhelmed with the Christmas spirit...

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