Tuesday, November 30, 2021

More Memories From Google Which I Mostly Do Not Remember

I need to figure out how to turn off the getting a daily Google email ostensibly showing me memories from that particular day.

I do not remember being at that memory in the upper left, but I do know that from left to right we can barely see Aunt Ruth, then Grandma Slotemaker, then my Mom and Dad, then Aunt Judy and Uncle Mel.

Below that family photo I think that is Aunt Alice standing between two people I do not recognize.

The upper right is a look at the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth, looking west from high atop the Tandy Hills.

Under the Tandy Hills it looks like that memory is of a tree trunk.

And I have zero clue as to who that is in black and white at the lower right.

I wonder what memories I mostly don't remember Google will have for me tomorrow on the first day of December...

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