Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Gigglemugging Lucy Park Walk With McNutty Hello Dolly Showgirl Evidence

With the winter heat wave continuing, it was back to Lucy Park again today to enjoy the summer like temperature.

As you can see via the photo my phone took of me, this pleasant endorphin inducing weather has me being a happy gigglemugger.

Gigglemugger is British slang for someone who is constantly in smile, giggle and laugh mode.

Currently the heat wave is scheduled to end on the first day of the new year, as in next Saturday. The temperature on that day is currently predicted to hit a low of 18.

So, basically, winter finally arrives at my location when the new year arrives.

I like getting in my daily five miles at Lucy Park because there are so many trails meandering through the park, some paved, some not.

The paving quality of the paved trails varies from a solid cement type trail, such as above. Or crumbly asphalt, such as below.

And some trails are paved with gravel.

I think I have made mention previously of this lady who lives in Virginia who calls herself McNutty. She lives in Appomattox in an antebellum era house. 

McNutty seems to constantly try to make me believe some silly thing. I believe the cliche for such is known as pulling one's leg. Why pulling one's leg means trying to get someone to believe some silly thing, I do not know.

McNutty's latest is telling me she has the lead in the Appomattox Playhouse production of Hello Dolly. A production of Hello Dolly where McNutty claims she gets to wear a variety of what look to me like Vegas Showgirl costumes.

When I acted doubtful as to the veracity of McNutty's Hello Dolly claim and asked for some sort of photo documentation, McNutty emailed the below, supposed proof.

Okay, that does look like McNutty in some sort of possible Hello Dolly Showgirl costume. But, that proves nothing. This could have been McNutty's Halloween costume this year.

I need to see something like a Hello Dolly starring Madame McNutty Playbill plastered on the Appomattox Playhouse entry, or some such thing...

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