Monday, December 27, 2021

Nephew Jason Finds Wichita Falls Hottest Town In America

Incoming email from FNJ (Favorite Nephew Jason) last night, comparing temperatures in key cities at the same time yesterday, as in Sunday, the day after the latest version of Christmas. With my location being the swelteringly HOTTEST by far.

Lynden is always coldest when an Arctic Blast blasts into Western Washington. There is a range of mountains between Whatcom County (where Lynden is) and Skagit County (where Mount Vernon is).

So, a cold blast coming down the Fraser River Valley, in Canada, will chill Lynden way colder than further south. And also deliver epic amounts of snow.

When we were kids one of the great thrills of Winter was to head north from the Banana Belt Skagit Valley, to Lynden, where there'd be deep snow, with snowdrifts so high cows would walk up the drifts to the roofs of barns.

Below is Jason's amusing email about the Texas heat wave...

I can't believe how hot my uncle is today.  Is this because ya'll use so much fossil fuel?  Have you yet to purchase a Tesla?   Spencer is encouraging me to do so.  However I'm leaning toward Chevy's new 2022 all electric truck.  Although it may be a little out of my price range.

I'm currently snowed in.  I measured nearly 8 inches of snow--that plus the temperatures in the teens have pretty much shut down the entire PNW.  I've succumbed to watching football.  Currently the Seahawks are playing at home in an almost unrecognizable snow covered field.  I'm sure you have the game on.

I think I may be stuck here for quite a few days.  We are not projected to be above freezing until Thursday or Friday.   I think I have enough food until then.  Though I have run out of all the good stuff -- and working on frozen goods, canned soup, and Christmas candy.   I do have some apples, which I have recently learned are better for me than potato chips or cheese and crackers.   I suppose I could walk to the store to get some milk, eggs and something green.  But that sounds like a lot of work.  Driving is currently not an option, as my truck does not fair well in the snow.  I'm planning on reassessing the food situation tomorrow.  

Did Santa bring you anything useful?  Spencer and I are sporting new AZ sweatshirts sent north by your youngest brother.  Thankfully the package arrived at the correct address, unlike a package mailed by your brother to FNJoey this past November for his birthday.  That package arrived at the wrong son's home.  Your brother has inherited the 'mail the package to the wrong relative' gene.  I'm hoping I don't get that gene.  But it will be years before I'm able to be tested for such, as I currently don't mail packages to any relative.  Maybe that will someday change when I move away to a warmer climate for the winter months.   Hawaii does sound pleasant right now.

The Seahawks are currently tied in their ball game.   If I understand this correctly, the odds of you cheering for them at your upcoming Superbowl party are very slim, if not impossible.

I'm looking forward to Spring.   The Roozens have planted a huge field full of tulip bulbs right in front of the Jones Beaver Marsh Property.  They should be gorgeous.  Are you planning on coming up this Spring to see the tulips?   I should have my house fully furnished by then, and open for select relative company.

Go green, stay cool, FNJ.

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