Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Sending Cheer From Over Here To Tacoma


The Christmas card you see above showed up in my mailbox this morning. Four days after Christmas.

This Christmas card was a one piece two-side postcard type card. For demonstration purposes I took a photo of each side and turned the result into the one-sided version you see above.

I do not know the name of both poodles in the kayak. But I think one of them is known as Raven.

At the top, with Santa, that would be Theo, Ruby and David.

Floating in kayaks, with Mount Rainier behind them, it looks to be David, Kristin, Ruby and Theo, left to right.

I do not know the reason behind the Churchillian V with the fingers behavior in the photo on the lower right. But, I do know that is little sister, Michele, Ruby, Theo and David.

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