Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Senior Citizen Chauffeuring Selfie Practice With McNutty Guidance

This morning I did my semi-regular good deed of driving an elderly senior citizen to a doctor appointment.

Whilst that doctor visit was going on I remained in the driver's seat, reading.

And when I took a break from reading I worked on perfecting the art of taking a smiling selfie photo.

Thelma McNutty has been regularly critiquing the photos I take, regularly generously offering unsolicited advice.

The smiling selfie you see here was the best of today's training session.

So, my regular morning routine got a bit messed up today. I am sure I will eventually recover.

The elderly senior citizen returned from his visit with his doctor in a much better mood than before the doctor visit. Apparently a lab test showed his AC1 number was good. That is some sort of diabetes measurement.

After the doctor visit it was off to another part of town, to a pharmacy, to pick up a new prescription.

My Arizona sister provided this type chauffeur service to my mom and dad for years. I don't think her siblings have thanked their sister enough for having done this.

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