Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Lucy Leaves Turning Color Before Severe Thunderstorm

With a Severe Thunderstorm impending, along with a strong wind blowing, I opted out again of the bike ride option for acquiring my daily dose of endorphins via aerobic activity.

And instead, once again, drove to Lucy Park for some nature communing, along with multiple other communers, including disc golfers throwing into the wind and pecan pickers dodging the flying discs.

The above photo is making the sky look way less threatening than it actually looked. Just remembered, at this point in the long walk the sun burst through the clouds, quickly amping up the temperature.

Today was the first day that leaves changing color has been seen by my eyes, as witnessed by the tree above.

A half hour past noon, the sky is darkening. I suppose the afternoon thunderstorm can start up any time now. The prediction is strong winds, severe thunderstorms, rain, hail, and possible tornadoes...

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