Thursday, November 11, 2021

Sikes Lake Litter Aftermath With Video Of Last Night's Storm

Last night's predicted Severe Thunderstorm arrived soon after the sun ceased its illumination duties for the day. All but one possible predicted element arrived. Strong wind, gusts, hail, lightning, thunder and rain. But, no tornadoes.

I was in my slumber chamber chatting with Thelma McNutty when the storm arrived. It was loud. I shot a short video out of my slumber chamber window. You can view that below.

By morning the sky was back blue. There was a lot of flotsam blown about, and my usual route to my motorized motion device was flooded.

I drove that motorized motion device to Sikes Lake about an hour before noon. As you can see, above, the Blue Bayou of Sikes Lake has been recharged with new water. 

And Sikes Lake, in addition to the new water, also had some litter delivered.

The above was one of three flotillas of litter seen on Sikes Lake today. When this happens the floating litter usually quickly gets removed.

One benefit of a downpour, pertaining to Sikes Lake, is the downpour washes away the accumulated goose poop that one tries to avoid whilst walking the paved trail around the lake.

Those buildings you see at the end of the lake are three Hiltons. On the left it is called Hilton Homewood Suites. Next to that is Hilton Home2 Suites and Tru by Hiltion. The last time I saw Elsie Hotpepper in person she was staying at the Hilton Homewood Suites. The Hilton Home2 Suites and Tru by Hilton have been built since Elsie Hotpepper last visited.

The aforementioned Blue Bayou of Sikes Lake is a short distance to the left, or south, of Hilton Homewood Suites.

And now that video of last night's storm....

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