Monday, November 8, 2021

Rare Hike To Summit Of Mount Wichita With Big Surf

With wind strongly gusting I did not feel like rolling my bike's wheels anywhere. Instead I rolled my motorized motion device to the base of majestic Mount Wichita.

It had been well over a year since I climbed to the summit of Mount Wichita. I thought maybe I might be in better shape than the last time I climbed this mountain, and that the climb might be easier.

Well, it wasn't. Easy, that is. I don't remember when last I had myself breathing so hard and my heart pumping so fast. Plus size was the big dose of endorphins which quickly arrived.

In the above view from the summit of Mount Wichita we are looking southeast, towards the Lake Wichita Dam.

The trail I took to the summit is thick with foliage. The above photo is looking south down another of the summit access trails. The photo does not do justice to how steep this is.

No, that is not me in a long distance selfie heading down the trail I just showed you. 

You can see via the tall waves crashing to shore that a strong wind was blowing. When the McNutty woman next visits she should bring her surfboard with her and show the locals how to ride the waves.

So there you have my exciting second Monday of the 2021 version of November. The new month is already almost a third gone...

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