Sunday, November 7, 2021

The Shadow Of The Lucy Park Thin Man Finds No Pecans

I was over dressed for this morning's Sunday walk in the park.

By the time I got to my Lucy Park parking spot I took off one upper layer.

When the temperature is in the 70s one should not be wearing sweat pants is the lesson of the day.

For today's Lucy Park walk I opted for the backwoods unpaved option.

That option is the only location in Lucy Park where I have had a snake encounter. And it was a BIG one, the type of which I could not determine before it slithered out of sight or camera range.

I think with the temperature in the 70s that may be warm enough for the cold blooded monsters to slither. But none were seen slithering today.

Eventually the unpaved trail takes you to the location above. What looks like some sort of double cross, Or a gallows, is actually, I think, part of an old, long gone, suspension bridge across the Wichita River. There is a similar structure on the other side of the river.

You can sort of make out the unpaved trail in the above photo.

I don't know what type trees these are, other than to assume they are not pecan trees. Because this time of year you see people busy harvesting pecans that have fallen to the ground. Today there were multiple pecan pickers in the more developed part of Lucy Park. Yesterday I saw a couple pecan pickers picking pecans off the ground by Sikes Lake.

All this pecan talk makes me want to have a slice of pecan pie...

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