Monday, November 1, 2021

UPDATE: Day After Halloween Trying To Find David, Theo & Ruby


I was hiking the backwoods area of Lucy Park when my phone made its incoming text message noise. Checking the message I saw a photo with text asking "Can you find your niece and nephews?"

When I got back to my home zone and my computer, I plugged in the phone to extract the photo and check email. In the incoming email was the same photo that was on my phone, with the same text, but with the addition of "Happy Halloween".

Is Ruby holding the green light saber? Is that Theo the green light saber is pointing at? Or is that Theo being Einstein? Is that David behind Ruby, with the red eyes?

And on the ground that looks like a poodle in a Halloween costume looking like my poodle nephew, Blue, who is currently residing in Doggy Heaven with his brother Max.

Late this afternoon of the first day of November another photo arrived in the email, asking if I guessed right. Below is that photo and below that we will see if I guessed which ones were David, Theo and Ruby...

Well, I got Zero right. When I replied to the email I had not looked at the original again and quickly assumed I guessed correctly with Ruby. But, Ruby is not holding the green light saber. Ruby is the one in blue to the left of the light saber. David is way in the back, the redhead. And Theo is in red, behind the green light saber.

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