Sunday, October 31, 2021

No Halloween Bread For The Lucy Park Ducks

With the outer world chilled to 61 degrees, with the air moving at about a 10 mph pace, thus creating a wind chill factor making the outer world feel like it's chilled to somewhere in the 50s, I again opted out of rolling my bike wheels anywhere on this last day of the 2021 version of October.

Instead I drove to Lucy Park for some nature communing and duck walking. On this day of Halloween we shall take a look at the Lucy Park Duck Pond. Where a lot of geese co-habitate with the ducks. 

At the west entry to the Duck Pond signage warns against feeding the birds bread. MSU needs to put up similar signage at Sikes Lake.

The photo does not make it clear, but above the Duck Pond was dominated by big water lilies. 

The ducks see a human and gravitate, I mean, float, towards the human, in this case, me, hoping I am going to toss some Halloween treat at them.

A pagoda style bridge across the Duck Pond. I have yet to learn what's up with all the Japanese type structures in Lucy Park.

The trails around the Duck Pond have multiple sitting opportunities, on swing benches. Which is the Wichita Falls norm.

And that concludes our tour of the Lucy Park Duck Pond...

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