Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Chilly Fall Walk To Wichita Falls Waterfall

The outer world was chilled to 50 degrees when I left my abode this morning. With the windchill factor making those 50 degrees feel somewhere in the 40s. 

I left my abode to drive an elderly gentlemen to his pharmacist to pick up some prescriptions. 

After that I asked the elderly gentlemen if there was anything else he would like to do. It's been awhile since I've walked to the Wichita Falls waterfall, said he. But, that's a bit of an incline to get to the falls, no matter which access point you use, are you sure you are up to such a challenge, asked I?

Yes, was the reply.

And that is why you are seeing a photo of the Wichita Falls waterfall on this second day of the 2021 version of November.

From the Circle Trail a serpentine brick paved trail takes you to the top of the falls. 

The steepness of the trail to the the top of the falls was too much for the elderly gentleman, so he opted out and just meandered slow motion down the Circle Trail, whilst I went to the top of the falls.

Above I am at the top of the waterfall. That person you see below the waterfall is not the aforementioned elderly gentleman.

So that has been my thrilling excitement for today. Doing something I've done many times previous...

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