Sunday, October 3, 2021

Will Heidi Klum Attend Fort Worth Fashion Week?

Yesterday I saw that which you see above from Fort Worth Report, via Facebook. Fort Worth Report is Fort Worth's new news source. Fort Worth Report has been accurately reporting on the ongoing TRWD/TRVA scandals, doing actual real investigative journalism. Having a real news source in town seems to have caused the Fort Worth Star-Telegram to slightly more accurately report on those aforementioned scandals.

Now, I don't know what to make of this Fort Worth Report news I saw on Facebook. Apparently Fort Worth is going to have an event resembling the world's four major fashion weeks. Those four being, according to the blurb above, Milan, Paris, Long and New York City.

I have never heard of the city of Long. I suspect London is what the writer meant to type. 

So, this fashion designer, named Phillip Maximillian, created Fort Worth Fashion Week to cultivate Cowtown's fashion scene, hoping to steer the spotlight from cowboys to fashion.

Good luck with that cultivating was my reaction.

I have seen the New York City Fashion Week via TV's Project Runway. Heidi Klum was the hostess for the Project Runway part of New York City Fashion Week. I don't know if Project Runway still exists. I think Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn have moved on from Project Runway to a similar show on Amazon called Making the Cut.

Dallas has a fashion district. I forget what it is called. Maybe it is just called the Dallas Fashion District. I wonder why Dallas doesn't have a Fashion Week? Such would seem to be way less ridiculous than Fort Worth having a Fashion Week....

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