Monday, October 4, 2021

The Attack Of The 20 Foot Weeds On Wichita Falls Circle Trail

Yesterday I biked the Wichita Bluff Nature Area. During that bike ride I saw tall weeds like you see above, but did not feel like stopping to photo document them. I wasn't in the mood to do such. Even when a snake slithered across my path I did not feel like stopping to photo document it.

Today my bike took me on the Circle Trail, north of Hamilton Park, where eventually the trail once again runs alongside Holliday Creek. As the trail nears Holliday Creek a forest of those same type weeds I saw yesterday almost takes over the trail.

And today I did feel like stopping to photo document them.

The foliage is jungle-like at my Texas location.

Back in June of 2017 when I had decided to return to Texas from Arizona, my little brother, Jake, volunteered to follow me home, so I didn't have to worry about another traumatic vehicle breakdown and having to deal with it alone.

I did not think this was a good idea. It could become too complicated, which later seemed the case when I was stuck in a traffic mess in El Paso. And then after that was unable to find a motel vacancy in West Texas. Eventually I stopped at a rest area west of Abilene to rest for a couple hours. 

I started driving again a couple hours before sunrise. It was when the sun rose that I realized it would have been amusing to have Jake following me.

Why, you ask?

Well, the route back to Texas is through desert country, non-stop brown desert country, from Arizona to New Mexico to West Texas.

As I headed north from Abilene and the sun began illuminating the landscape, well, that is when I realized it would have been fun to hear Jake's reaction.

Because, when the world lit up that morning it was no longer brown. It was lushly green, like you were in another world. Jake would not have been expecting this, due to being like a lot of people, thinking that all of Texas is dry brown desert.

I don't know why the outer world here is remaining so green. We have not had much rain. Last week's prediction of day after day of rain and thunderstorms pretty much petered out, with only a couple downpours, both of which I managed to get wet in...

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